Channing Bridges is excited to participate in the Creative Like Me Project.  This is his 2nd time creating beautiful pieces for an exhibit. Channing loves sports and talking with friends and staff. He enjoys acting, dancing, and participating in projects where he gets to be the star of the show.  During the pandemic Channing continues to learn new technology and life skills while engaging with others using google duo and zoom platforms. He likes to paint and uses his time engaging in the Dinosaur World for fun.
Atlanta Braves
Atlanta Braves
Dinosaur In The Forest
Dinosaur In The Forest
Lean Green Dino
Lean Green Dino
Deno The Dino
Deno The Dino
PPE Prepared
PPE Prepared
Virtual Class Show & Tell of Deno The Dino
Virtual Class Show & Tell of Deno The Dino
View artwork from other participants: 
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